SECTION 1: As used in this Constitution, the word person shall mean and refer to any and every living human being from the beginning of its biological existence as a human organism.
SECTION 2: Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Constitutional Amendment for Life
The Life Amendment extends the meaning of the word person, as used in the 5th & 14th Amendments, to include all living human beings. The Constitution of the United States of America is the primary legal document of the nation. As such, it sets forth all the functions of the American government. Also included are instructions for revising the Constitution by means of amendments.
Each amendment must be passed by two-thirds of both Houses of Congress, and ratified by three-quarters of the States. Since the Constitution was enacted, there have been twenty-seven amendments. Now greatly needed is a Constitutional Amendment for Life, protecting human life from conception to death. The word person is the key to this amendment.
For more details read our booklets (all available to read free online):

Ending Abortion in America
A summary of the pro-life movement, and a call for a Constitutional Life Amendment.

How the Life Amendment Benefits America
A description of the many important ways that the Life Amendment will improve the American culture and Life Style.

Achieving the Constitutional Life Amendment
The political procedure America must go through to enact the Constitutional Life Amendment.

Jesus in America
A Biblical and historical analysis of how to awaken the Evangelical Church to fulfill the Great Commission and transform American society.
leads to preborn personhood
Trump order acknowledges
personhood at conception
Frequently asked questions
Q1. What is the major difference between a Constitutional Amendment and a Congressional Act?
A1. A Constitutional amendment requires approval only by the Legislative branch of government at both federal and state level.
Continue reading →Q2. How will the Life Amendment make abortion illegal?
A2. The Life Amendment will extend to all persons from the moment of their conception (fertilization) all the protection of the Constitution.
Continue reading →Q3. Why is a Life Amendment imperative from a Biblical perspective?
A3. Scripture shows that God destroys nations for idolatry and shedding innocent blood. Abortion embodies both.
Continue reading →Q4. How important is the Church for passing a Life Amendment?
A4. The Church is indispensable.
Continue reading →Q5. Why this particular wording of the Life Amendment? Has something changed?
A5. From the start, the words of the Life Amendment were structured to succinctly demolish the fabrication of Roe v. Wade that an unborn child is not a “person” (the Dobbs decision disingenuously maintained this key deception even though the … Continue reading →
Q6: Can a presidential proclamation stop abortion?
A6: No. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery. Amendment 13 was needed to complete the process of ending slavery in all of America forever.
Continue reading →Q7. Why do we need to do more than overturning/reversing Roe v. Wade?
A7. Although the Dobbs decision has now overturned Roe v. Wade, abortions are still allowed to continue in many states.
Continue reading →Q8. Shouldn’t we focus on passing state-level legislation to restrict abortions?
A8. While we commend any legislative effort to save lives, recent history shows that the courts will still likely strike down legislation which reduces abortions.
Continue reading →Q10. Would a Life Amendment outlaw birth control?
A10. The Life Amendment would ultimately result in prohibiting “birth control” methods which result in the deaths of human beings.
Continue reading →Q11. What about embryonic stem cell research?
A11. Embryonic stem cell research results in the death of human beings, which is inconsistent with the Life Amendment. Research involving only adult stem cells (including umbilical cord stem cells) would be acceptable.
Continue reading →Q12. How does the Life Amendment relate to the rest of the pro-life movement?
A12. In the midst of diverse efforts to save babies and moms from abortion, the Life Amendment shows that a very realistic end game strategy can result in a final end to our national policy of shedding innocent blood.
Continue reading →Q13. If the Life Amendment doesn’t pass, isn’t this a waste of time?
A13. Seeking to pass the Life Amendment will provide many opportunities to educate the public and to motivate local action against abortion.
Continue reading →Q14. What hope is there in passing a Human Life Amendment?
A14. Our Republic has survived the injustice of slavery and rectified it with the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Continue reading →Q15. Shouldn’t we focus on saving the babies we can save today, instead of focusing on an amendment that may take a long time to achieve?
A15. Almost everyone calling for a Life Amendment has been involved for decades in efforts to save babies. We can work for a permanent end to the killing while continuing to save babies and moms from abortion every day.
Continue reading →Q16. Will the Life Amendment end every abortion, or will it just subject women to more dangerous illegal abortions?
A16. The Life Amendment will end our national policy of innocent bloodshed. We cannot stop every crime, but that does not mean that we should not stand against all crime.
Continue reading →If you have a question we have not yet answered, you may submit it here.