SECTION 1: As used in this Constitution, the word person shall mean and refer to any and every living human being from the beginning of its biological existence as a human organism.

SECTION 2: Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Constitutional Amendment for Life

The Life Amendment extends the meaning of the word person, as used in the 5th & 14th Amendments, to include all living human beings. The Constitution of the United States of America is the primary legal document of the nation. As such, it sets forth all the functions of the American government. Also included are instructions for revising the Constitution by means of amendments.

Each amendment must be passed by two-thirds of both Houses of Congress, and ratified by three-quarters of the States. Since the Constitution was enacted, there have been twenty-seven amendments. Now greatly needed is a Constitutional Amendment for Life, protecting human life from conception to death. The word person is the key to this amendment.

For more details read our booklets (all available to read free online):

Ending Abortion in America
Ending Abortion in America



A summary of the pro-life movement, and a call for a Constitutional Life Amendment.

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How the Life Amendment Benefits America
How the Life Amendment Benefits America



A description of the many important ways that the Life Amendment will improve the American culture and Life Style.

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Achieving the Constitutional Life Amendment
Achieving the Constitutional Life Amendment



The political procedure America must go through to enact the Constitutional Life Amendment.

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Jesus in America: Awakening the Evangelical Church
Jesus in America



A Biblical and historical analysis of how to awaken the Evangelical Church to fulfill the Great Commission and transform American society.

Tap Here to read



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Common sense and biological truth
leads to preborn personhood


Trump order acknowledges
personhood at conception


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